YA Serve Team Application

You can Make a Difference using your gifts and experience! God uniquely created you and gave you gifts and passions for a reason. We encourage you to pray about joining the YA SERVE Team.

We believe that young adult ministry is not just for young adults but should be led by young adults. Therefore, our YA SERVE Team is comprised of young adults committed to serving the Lord in various areas of our young adult ministry and church. SERVE Team will serve on Thursday nights and within the church as needed. SERVE Team members will also actively plan YA services and events. Our commitment is to equip you in your area of service and give you the leadership tools you will need to honor the Lord by serving the church for years to come.

•To faithfully serve in your area of service
• To actively engage in personal spiritual disciplines
• To be actively involved in church-wide and North Jax YA discipleship opportunities, including small groups

• To live a life worthy of the gospel of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ
• To honor the Lord with all aspects of life, especially our attitudes, attire, and social media use
• To be an example to others of what it means to follow Christ
• To be on time for commitments
• To communicate promptly when you are not available to fulfill your commitments

Social Media Accounts:

Commitment Agreement: I understand my spiritual commitment and will strive to meet the expectations of all SERVE Team members. I also understand that failure to keep my commitment or meet the written expectations will result in less opportunities to serve or even being asked to step away from my SERVE Team responsibilities.