The following ladies are serving as HOSTESSES for the 2025 Taste of Heaven event
as North Jacksonville Baptist Church, on Saturday, March 29, from 10:30 AM - 1:30 PM.
Tickets may be purchased from any of the hostesses on this list. If you do not know a hostess personally,
please call the church office at (904) 737-3000, extension 309, to be placed on a waiting list.

Sheri Batten & Sloan Owensby
Hilary Berry & Ashley Walters
Sarah Blanton
Jinger Brinkley
Alisa Brown
Kimberly Burnsed
Jeris Clarke & Jeris Flemmings
Ashli Coram & Susie Coram
Judy Coram
Nancy Corbin & Susie Keen
Donna Cox & Carlene New
Nancy Crosby & Tami Powers
Debra DeFoe
Connie Easter
Judy Fernandez & Becky Brantley
Marie Franquez & Crystal Baxter
Heather Gehr
Sally Gooch & Beth Booth
Michelle Green
Victoria Griffis
Kianna Hale & Melody Hilling
Brenda Hampton
Pam Harvey
Leanne Hodges & Jeannie Peoples
Shelly James
Cheri Jamison
Gayla Jones
Melody Kauffman & Elizabeth Terrell
Lea Knight
Karen Knowles
Renee Lawless & Arlene Patterson
Joan Lyle & Pat Bowen
Bethany Mason & Kara Bennett
Cindie Miller
Katarina Miller & Megan Darmanjian
Margaret Moody & Darlene Wright
Callie Murray & Denise Soles
Michelle Pendleton  & Spring Smith
Heather Rash & Terri Hoskins
Karen Schoenfeld
Ashleigh Shaffer & Janet Scharf
Kathy Shaw & Mona Swilley
Stefanie Shultz & Janice Turner
Bonnie Smith & Connie Smith
Brenda Smith & Johnnie Wyss
Annelisa Starling
Heather Taylor & ReDonna Nelson
Belinda Underwood
Janice Wallace & Sherron Gibbons
Amanda Weiss & Fay Weiss
Barbara White & Stacy Lawery
Joan Woods
Lynn Wyatt-Busekrus
Johnnie Wyss & Sarah Joy
Hayley Zapcic